The history of our hosting experiences started based on our consultancy backend and the need to provide a solid-state solution to our customers. We started on our hardware at the begining before the migration to public clouds when it was saving cost solution at that times.
We fully migrated back to the privately provided solution for our Software as a Service and "Cloud On Demand" after all, for a reason of the legislation and clients' privacy and it's more than a decade ago we deployed our first HA Private cluster. From that time, every two to three years, we modernize our solution following best practices in private hosting services. We tried all possible professional server technology over FCoEs with the SAN or 100% onChip technology. We upgraded to EPYC and NVMe now, and of course, all is powered thanks to the Linux.
Business-to-people platform implementation in the automotive, research and agriculture.
Managed service for individual virtual private servers with SLA.
Společnost Evymo s.r.o., vedená u Městského soudu v Praze, oddíl C, vložka 194373, IČ: 243 08 617, DIČ: CZ24308617, je jako řízená osoba součástí koncernu řízeného Singularis Private Trust, svěřenský fond, jako řídící osobou. Toto oznámení je činěno v souladu s ustanovením § 79 odst. 3 zákona č. 90/2012 Sb., o obchodních korporacích, v platném znění. Jsme plátci DPH. Bankovní spojení Fio Banka a.s., číslo účtu 2800266893/2010.